We Love Our Volunteers

local residents for March for Meals week.
As a self-supporting organization, ECHO Meals on Wheels relies on not only the generous monetary donations from our community, but also on the gift of time from our volunteers.
We simply cannot survive without our dedicated volunteers. We have about 190 volunteers, and we are always in need of more. Volunteering can be an hour, a day, or several days. We appreciate any time you can give. It all makes a difference.
An organization like ECHO has many opportunities to volunteer. A volunteer can be behind the scenes shopping, answering phone calls and responding to emails, cooking in the kitchen, or even serving on our administration board. Or you can choose to be on the front lines, delivering meals to our grateful clients. There is a place for everyone. If you are interested in volunteering, just ask, and together we will find the perfect fit for you with ECHO.
Our volunteers all agree – the best part of volunteering is how it unexpectedly blesses and even changes their lives. As with most things in life, the phrase “It is better to give than to receive” rings true when serving with Meals on Wheels. Most people sign up feeling a need to help others, and then fall in love with serving and can hardly wait for their next scheduled time to help. Knowing you are helping someone to not go hungry is a great feeling.
Whether you know without a doubt you are ready to help, or are just curious and have some questions, please call us at (315) 487-2878, and we will answer all of your questions and see if volunteering is a good fit for you. Thank you for considering ECHO Meals on Wheels.